Will Black live in Brighton Oct 19, 2018 SHOW TICKET
Will Black
Regular price
* NOTE: You will be charged payment of $27 USD for £20 GBP ticket value.
£20 Limited Meet & Greet show tickets still available!
Currently 3/4 SOLD OUT
Friday October 19, 2018
Brighton Electric, Tramway House
43-45 Coombe Terrace, Lewes Road
8:30 PM Meet & Greet (3/4 sold)
9:00 PM General Admission
9:15 PM Show Start
Tickets: £20
Ages: All ages
* All tickets include show performance starting at 9:15 PM.
Good Evening, Brighton!
Experience a mind-blowing 2 hour electric & acoustic rock performance from Canadian musician Will Black as he features songs from his 3 original rock albums plus classic rock covers.. new tunes too!
Limited Meet & Greet show tickets still available!
Currently 3/4 SOLD OUT..
* Get early access + show performance.
* Meet Will personally before the show.
* Be entered to win your favourite song request from Will during the performance.
3 Meet & Greet show ticket holders will be randomly chosen to have a song request sung by Will during the show!
The draw for song request winners will occur once Meet & Greet show tickets sell out OR week of show - whichever happens first.
Venue seating is first come, first choice.
* Online ticket purchases are automatically Meet & Greet until they sell out, then become General Admission.
* No Refunds On Ticket Purchases
** Paperless Tickets Will Be Sent To You via EMAIL
You will NOT receive your online tickets in the mail. Upon successful completion of the payment process you will receive a ticket purchase email from Will Black directly.
Your name and tickets purchased will be on the door list at the venue entrance with ticket person. However we recommend bringing your proof of purchase to the show (printed or on mobile device) along with your ID.